Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Ameera wrote a case study proposal.

Like the title say, Ameera wrote a proposal. It is my job to comment on it. Here is my comment... I don't get marked down for Olde English right?

My sweete Ameera;

A most charming document you have crafted. An enjoyment I felt under my breast in reading the words upon thy screen, in summers past I could imagine that so many would undertake the dreary adventure that is the serious duty of healthcare PR.

Fear not, fair maiden, for I believe that you have the spirit to succeed! Your passion conveyed at the start of the notion feels my heart; for you to take on such a childhood fantasy and form it into a true act of heroism is indeed a brave and most enviable trait.

Your courageousness in the face of Ethical Considerations; especially the dreaded burdening of those that are completing other more urgent missions around you, is indeed important. Yet, the mere acknowledgment of this very danger will put you in great steed to overcome the obstacle, and win the battle!

Thus far, you have committed to report on the upholding of reputation in the face of ethical obstacles. Dost thou not think that this could tarnish the very reputation you intend to research? Although you know of this danger, as stated in your ending paragraph, a fair warning to thee Ameera, such actions can require more than thou hast to give.

I give you blessings on your journey young wonderer.

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